Monday, November 5, 2012

Kevin Bacon // annoying or just right?

The first time I saw this ad I thought 'thanks, but no thanks'. Who is this EE company that want to come out and proclaim that they're something worth listening to? And what an arrogant approach; go away Kevin Bacon.

The more I see this ad though, and the more stories and scenarios they weave into it, the more I like it. The more I realise that this brand in fact doesn't take itself too seriously and for that reason, I like them. 

When I saw the below ad is when I converted; some contextual film references we can all remember and a scenario which I believe we can even identify with. You don't have to be an actor in numerous films to have split thoughts or personalities that each have a different idea. In a weird and slightly funny way, I can relate. 

EE, I still don't have a clue what your service is like, though for now you've won me over (I think).