Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dove // Facebook gets a facelift.

Unilever's Dove is known for creating uplifting campaigns that celebrate "real beauty", and in their latest campaign they've brought this notion into the Facebook world with a simple yet clever idea. 
In a campaign against negative body image, Unilever have purchased additional Facebook ads targeted at those who would normally receive targeted "lose the belly fat" or "slim down in 6 weeks" advertising - primarily young females. Users are encouraged to subscribe to the app to create their own message, which will be published as a Facebook ad. The replacement ads include positive and feel-good messages such as "The perfect bum is the one you're sitting on." and builds the Dove brand up as a positive advocacy brand for women's issues, further cementing its position in the market. A nice way to engage with their market and give them a tiny little voice as well.