Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pinterest // the power of sharing.

In social media it can often be difficult to prove ROI and this challenge continues to affect the uptake of social media campaigns by businesses. In this post, however, I'm more interested in looking at creative ideas around how to use Pinterest to gain attention and word-of-mouth.
The key behind creating a campaign that will get traction in any social media is understanding how and why your target market uses a particular social media platform; tapping into this in a way that they choose to include your brand in this experience.
Kotex have found a way to do this very well, creating a women's 'inspiration day', at the heart of which is uniqueness, expression and individuality, tied together with the concept of a gift. All capturing ideas that seem to have allowed this brand and campaign to effectively integrate and build widespread impressions.
Guess also had a similar idea in encouraging their consumers to share their favourite fashion pics and items, with the campaign being drawn on the theme of spring colours. The notion of a contest or competition is also a popular form of engagement in recent social media campaigns.
Finally, managed to bring attention to the issue of safety when driving, utilising Pinterest as the means to reach their target market of young women - a primary segment of Pinterest users. The prize itself did not require a big investment and yet the outcome makes this more than worthwhile. The great learning here is that you don't need to put in a great investment to see results - and in this respect your ROI is just about guaranteed!