Monday, August 6, 2012

Southern Comfort // Whatever's Comfortable.

Every now and then I'll see an ad which is such a simple demonstration of truth and taps into a human aspiration so cleanly that my reaction is found in just one word, "brilliant".

There's something about this ad that you just can't help but love. And what I love about it is the way that it helps marketers understand what us advertising agency folk are always trying to say. Create a brilliant, engaging and insightful idea and let consumers decipher and allocate this within their own lives.

The aspect of this character that we aspire to isn't his big beer belly or his tiny swimmers, it's the strut in his walk that says "yup, here I am". All of a sudden the feeling of confidence and self ease that we desire is within reach, just a grog shop away in fact.

Watch it and enjoy it. A great effort by 
New York