Monday, March 26, 2012

Ambient Creative // WWF & The Big Melt.

A very clever idea from iris Amsterdam, marrying new media technology with natural forces. 

This creative involved spray painting a QR code onto hardened ice, which was revealed to its audience as the ice melted. People could then scan the QR code now visible on the icy canal from the nearby road.

The code contained a link to the WWF website, specifically to a page on climate change and the melting icecaps.

A clever, simple and cost-effective placement. Well done, iris.

Source: Best Ads On TV

QR codes have become one of the most popular new media ways of engaging viewers. By holding your iPhone over the barcode, and with the free to download app, advertisers can quickly and easily transport their potential consumers to a website landing page, product-based app or more. All thanks to mobile technology.

There is a sense of intrigue in the code and the destination to which it may take us, and this presents a great opportunity to effectively engage media-savvy and interested potential consumers. 

What we find at the other end has added value if there is some sort of pay-off or reward, an interactive game app or something more for us to engage with. My only concern is if the destination is less than exciting and new, in which case viewers are likely to drop-off much the same as they might do when surfing a standard web page on their computer.

While the QR code is still relatively new, we expect the destination to be much the same.