Saturday, March 10, 2012

Welcome. This is my Wonderland.

"As the warm fur of the rug tickles my cheek, I feel the comfort of the burning log fire against my back. I inhale deep into my stomach and feel my body fill up with this warm memory."

I love the story-telling nature of some of the ads being produced. Such an internal and external exploration can be triggered from storytelling in the most subtle of ways; the ability to transport and transform what we know into a new destination.

A delicate art I believe. Ultimately we want to associate the brand with a bigger idea, cause or movement to build a brand awareness, an identity. If association is lost for the sake of storytelling or the connection is not strong, we are no longer selling the brand effectively. The very basis of the industry.

I may be a romantic, but I prefer to work with the attitude that brands can act as a positive catalyst for change; to have a positive value in society. With the tech- and media-savvy audiences of today, we need to go further, to encourage interaction and to be experiential; to add real value to the consumer.

Ultimately, audiences will decide whether a brand is of value and is relevant to their lives. Knowing your audience means you can decide where you need to be and when, what messages will resonate with your audience and become something more than just another advertisement.