Thursday, March 22, 2012

Harvey Nichols // a new perspective on Christmas advertising.

Just came across these thanks to a wonderful friend. 

Forget themes of joy and wonder, of discovery and people coming together in celebration. In its 2011 Christmas campaign, Harvey Nichols ensured it did not fall into this broad category of typical Christmas ads, at what can be such a retail and advertisement-cluttered time of year. 

Standing apart from the rest, Harvey Nichols took a slightly controversial approach. A new spin on the "walk of shame", suggesting it is avoided by looking classy (by wearing Harvey Nichols womenswear, of course) when returning home after a one-night stand. 

There was a slight backlash on this viral campaign, but it was definitely worth the attention. I'd prefer to look classy, wouldn't you? Oops I mean, how rude. How dare you Harvey Nichols, to suggest such a thing... 

I'm guessing this advert won the majority vote. A job well done.

Had to include this one as well, the 2010 Harvey Nichols Christmas ad. A little bit wrong, but way too much fun not to share.

Creative Agency: