Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bakers Meaty Meals TVC exploits a human weakness.

I was fascinated to come across this TV advertisement for dog food which takes a slightly different style, appearing to target dogs, rather than their owners. Using a consumer insight, animal-driven that is, this TV advert actually whistles at such a high pitch only dogs can hear. This is designed to attract dogs to the TV screen, and ultimately the owners to their attentive dogs (who happen to be staring at the advertisement on TV). Their dog appears to be attracted to these treats, what dog-owner can refuse a clear request like that?


It would be interesting to see the overall success measurement of this campaign. I have a sneaky feeling that while the idea was novel and certainly may have had an effect on dogs, the amusement of their owners would not necessarily have turned into a sales conversion. After all, as attached, complying and even deluded, as we can sometimes be about our best friends, we know that they are ultimately driven by momentary distractions and don't really know what's best for them. 

That's why we're here.

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