Monday, March 19, 2012

Messing with a fairytale. Brilliant.

Although I don't necessarily think this idea is genius, there's something about the current The Guardian 'Three Little Pigs' ad that makes me smile.

Causing us to re-think a classic fairytale, we are challenged to consider a different series of events, one that sees the three little pigs as the villains and the 'big bad' wolf himself as the victim.

Framed within a 2012 context full of iPads, YouTube, online video streaming and debt issues, this fairytale is projected into a contemporary context, where everyone is an author and digital and social media are king.

A lesson in storytelling as well, the positioning of the audience and the art of editing, crafting and production. A bit of an insight into the news media as well I feel.

'The whole picture.' is the end line that closes out the ad, a debatable point of view one might argue as the news has always been known to be less than the whole picture, but rather an edited grab of the events. 

And so the debate around the portrayal of news media continues. An interesting piece of work and one which I have enjoyed viewing all the same.

Creative Agency: