Sunday, April 1, 2012

'Feed a Friend' // Pizza Hut a brand that shares.

This one's not a new campaign, but a great social media idea that was launched out of the M&C Saatchi Sydney office last year.

This Pizza Hut campaign successfully linked the online world into the offline; capturing the spirit of sharing through a viral campaign centred on Facebook as the main media platform.

Great to see a campaign that understands so well its consumer insights and responds to broader social and media trends with a finger on the pulse of the online community. A great strategy and a brilliant result, well done.

I'm anticipating seeing many more of these types of campaigns this year as companies realise the potential, power and prominence of online social media platforms such as Facebook. This trend is likely to continue to grow as we come to better understand the mechanics of 'Likes' and other Facebook functions, as well as how to get our brand in front of the right audience in a way that will stimulate interaction. 

The pursuit of earned media, the media space gained when people participate with your brand and act as its voice or echo, is one that will continue to develop. It is both cheap and effective, a perfect combination when justifying marketing spend. 

It's an exciting time and with a great strategy and creative idea to bring brands to life, I'm excited as both an advertiser and a consumer to see what we can come up with. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.